About Us

Square Knot Kids is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on Engaging Youth Through the Arts. We believe our enrichment programs provide the power and impact that promotes positive child development along with better physical and mental health and wellness.

Our target audience ranges from ages 5-17 and we feel these are the ages where major life transitions occur. If positive engagement can be achieved during this period, these children will grow to have more opportunities in life, education, and their communities. We work hard with our partners to provide these enrichment programs, free lunch program (Summer time), and Summer Camps. Thereby giving our youth a fighting chance at becoming success stories and in turn becoming an example for those that follow.

This is what the Founder & CEO, Timothy D. Wilson aka DJ Square Knot whole heartedly believes. He grew up in Bedford Stuyvesant and East New York, Brooklyn where it not only took strong family values and morals in the home but have a Mindset to always want to do good and the right thing. As you can imagine, the streets of Brooklyn, New York had another lesson to teach if the individual fell victim to it.

But in Tim’s case, his saving grace to not becoming a victim of the streets, was a strong and encouraging Mother, Aunt, and Uncle along with positive friends and his introduction to DJ’ing. At age 12, he had the opportunity to get his first taste of DJ’ing with a DJ crew that was throwing a “Jam” and for the first time, play on the “Wheels of Steel”. That song…Impeach the President by The Honey Drippers. From that point he has been in Love with the Art of DJ’ing, the Culture, and possesses a deeply rooted passion for Music. Forty plus years later, Tim under the moniker, DJ Square Knot, has had the opportunity to still DJ for events under his own company Square Knot Entertainment, LLC where they provide DJs for all types of events. He calls DJ’ing his therapy as it has helped him through some very difficult times and situations in life. Especially during his service in the military.

In the early parts of 2011, Tim started doing personal research on the effects of Music, especially DJ’ing had on children from ages 5-17 and his findings were phenomenal. He then sought out the effects of other aspects of the Arts like Chorus, Writing, Music Production and Drawing to name a few and received like results as well. That’s when he decided to put things in motion to start a program where poor and low-income Youth could be engaged and afforded the opportunity to participate in an enrichment program pertaining to the Arts. Thus Square Knot Kids was born.